We miss out several donors. That is why we are lagging out, economics. We have not received what we need, for June or July. That’s why we do not play worship songs, because it costs around 3000, – NOK / 300 :- Euro a month to play this music on The Praise Radio.
From the date 2021-07-18, we broadcast instrumental music. Riitta Rönnqvist is an Finnish worship leader, that play anointed music. Enjoy this royalty-free music, but keep in mind that you can donate your gift, so we can come back with more worship songs.
The next step will be that we put The Praise Radio ‘on ice’. But so far, we will not go so far to do so.
Please click on ‘Donations’ in the menu and give us an love sacrifices.
Róbert Dániel Dévay-Fóris
Chairman of the Board and Editor-in-Chief of JCMedia
Vi savner flere givere. Derfor ligger vi etter, økonomisk. Vi har ikke fått inn det vi trenger, for juni eller juli. Derfor spiller vi ikke musikk, for det koster rundt 3000,- NOK i måneden for å spille denne musikken på Lovsangsradion.
Fra 18/7-2021, sender vi instrumentalt. Her spiller Riitta Rönnqvist, finsk lovsangesleder, salvet musikk. Nyt denne royalityfrie musikken, men tenk på at du kan gi inn din gave.
Neste steg vil være at vi legger Lovsangradion på is. Men så langt, vil vi ikke gå.
Klikk på ‘Donations’ på menyen og gi oss et kjærlighetsoffer.
Róbert Dániel Dévay-Fóris
President i styret og ansvarlig redaktør